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resourceatiliff's podcast

Welcome to our podcast! ReSource at Iliff is a lifelong initiative of the Iliff School of Theology in Denver, Colorado. We focus on providing useful, skills-focused content for leaders of churches and non-profits (although a lot of what we do would benefit leaders of any kind of organization). 

Some of our content requires registration, but much is available freely at our main website,

Oct 6, 2019

We sat down with Dr. Amy Balogh for a series of conversations about abundance and scarcity in the Biblical narratives. Here, Dr. Balogh concludes the series with four key points. 

Oct 6, 2019

We sat down with Dr. Amy Balogh for a series of conversations about abundance and scarcity in the Biblical narratives. In this episode, Dr. Balogh moves into the New Testament.

Oct 6, 2019

We sat down with Dr. Amy Balogh for a series of conversations about abundance and scarcity in the Biblical narratives. Here, Dr. Balogh explores the Book of Ruth.

Oct 6, 2019

We sat down with Dr. Amy Balogh for a series of conversations about abundance and scarcity in the Biblical narratives. Here, Dr. Balogh explores the Book of Job.

Oct 6, 2019

We sat down with Dr. Amy Balogh for a series of conversations about abundance and scarcity in the Biblical narratives. Here, Dr. Balogh begins with an examination of the early passages of Genesis.